AP Podcast – Episode 97: Matt and Josh dive deep into workplace culture

AP Podcast – Episode 97: Matt and Josh dive deep into workplace culture

Company Culture, Podcast

What does your workplace culture look like?  Is it what you want it to be?  In this episode, Matt and Josh discuss the ins and outs of workplace culture and how organizations can change their culture if needed.  They also talk about using your culture as a competitive advantage, as it can truly help you attract talent that already understands who you are and what you stand for, while also helping retain great employees because the entire team is invested in their success.

Have a question for the mailbag or know of a guest we should feature?  Drop us a line!

Josh – josh@backlooper.com

Matt – matt@performanceoptimist.com




This episode is brought to you by FunRating.  If you work in any area of the attractions industry, you’re probably curious how guests at your attraction perceive critical areas of guest experience.  Which facility type provided the best service in 2018?  Who really needs to improve their food service?  And which attraction saw the highest increase in likelihood to return?  These questions, and more, can all be found in the FunRating Report, and this is information that only Amusement Advantage can provide.  The FunRating Report can be found at funrating.com, and we have an exclusive offering for AttractionPros listeners.  To save 10% off of the one-time purchase of $375, tune into the podcast!

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