AttractionPros NOTworking Event
It’s like networking, even if you’re NOT working.
With so many attractions professionals between jobs, furloughed or having to consider a career change, we thought it would be a good time to get people together just to get to know other attractions professionals.
If you are either looking for a new opportunity, whether it is a new employer, new clients, or even new friends in the industry, come join us in this unique virtual event! Also, if you just want to do what you can to stay connected with your industry colleagues during this time, all the more reason to join!
Two things we can guarantee: this is NOT a webinar where you’ll be expected to learn something, and this will NOT be recorded for future consumption. It’s a realtime, in-the-moment opportunity to connect with others who may be in a similar situation.
You don’t have to be NOT working to join. There is never a bad time to get to know your fellow AttractionPros!