Supplier Partner Program

The goal of the Supplier Partner Program is to deliver content packages from attractions industry suppliers to the AttractionPros audience in a manner that educates, enlightens, and provides exposure to you, the supplier partner.

How does it work?

The content package will begin with an anchor article that branches into multiple repurposed pieces of content on several platforms in order to maximize exposure

Content Package Includes:

  • Thought leadership article posted on (includes a call to action from the supplier partner)
  • Each content package will also include the following:
    • Exclusive email campaign to AttractionPros’s email list promoting the thought leadership article
      • One campaign per article
      • Campaign resent to non-openers 3 days after initial email
    • Social media posts on AttractionPros’s channels that highlight each of the key points, linking to the article
      • 3 posts on Facebook over the course of a week
      • 3 posts on Twitter over the course of a week
      • 3 posts on LinkedIn over the course of a week
      • 1 post on Instagram, week of article publication
    • 15-minute video interview discussing the article posted on YouTube
      • 1 post on YouTube
      • 1 post on Facebook
      • 1 post on Twitter
      • 1 post on LinkedIn
    • Podcast interview with supplier’s client where success stories will be woven in
      • Promotion of supplier partnership mentioned in text in podcast summary
      • Podcast published on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and
      • Podcast promoted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and email
    • Supplier’s social media accounts will be tagged on all applicable posts across all applicable channels

Who benefits from the Supplier Partner Program?

  • Attractions industry suppliers with no existing content marketing strategy who need assistance in creating the content (we record video interview and we create content)
  • Attractions industry suppliers who have an existing content marketing strategy who are looking to reach additional channels to widen their audience (you supply the content for our review)

Interested? Please fill out the form below to apply, and we’ll be in touch soon with pricing and logistics!

Also, if you would like to be considered for an exclusive sponsorship on the AttractionPros Podcast, join the waitlist today!